*1850 census shows
age 53.. living with Henry in Plum Twp , Allegheny Co, PA, worked in a foundry, born in PA.
Birth is calculated from census;
1850 shows Thomas age 55,
1860 shows him age 63,
1870 shows 73.
Given name Thomas verified on son Henry's death certificate. He appeared on the census in 1840 in Pgh, Allegheny County PA.
1840 Census, PA, Allegheny County, City of Pittsburgh, South Ward, enumerator Oscar E Adams, page369 :
Thomas Mallisee 2m 16-20 (William and Henry?),
2m 20-30,
1m 40-50 (Thomas),
1f 15-20, 1f 40-50 (Sarah?)
Where is Samuel? He would have been 14.
1850 Census, PA Allegheny County, 2nd Ward, Pittsburgh, pg 081:
Thos Malisee, age 55, works in foundry, born in PA
Sarah, age 54 , born in PA,
Samuel, age 23, moulder, born in PA
He resided at Anderson's Court in 1850 in Pittsburgh, Allegheny County, PA:
Malisea, Thomas, laborer, Andersons Court.
1860 Census, PA, Allegheny County,Ohio Township, written page 1 , printed page 516, household 30:(Immediately after H Mallasee household 29 family 29); household 30 family 30):
John Mallasee, m, age 63, occupation unreadable (farmer?)
S, female, age 62, living in Ohio Twp, Sewickleyville, Allegheny County.These ages match Thomas and Sarah... that S could very well be Sarah.
1870 Census, PA, Plum Twp, Allegheny County:Thomas is listed with Henry, age 73
Sunday, January 09, 2011
Wilhelm Best
birth and Death recorded from headstone.
per DS/Arrived in the US on ship Winter Galley, Sept 5, 1738,from Rotterdam, Master: Edward Paynter, arrived in port of Philadelphia with wife and 2 children and a 3rd born on the voyage. age26;His brothers Jeremiah, George, and Nicholas were also on this ship as well as Anna's parents. Records from PA Archives show that both Wilhelm and son William fought in French and Indian War in 1757.Data on arrival in America from PA Archives Ser 2 Vol 17.
per JF/A History of Wilhem Best and His Descendents:Named for his father, he was born in 1713 in Switzerland where his family was living temporarily, having fled from the armies invading the German Palatinate. In 1732, he married Anna Susanna Schaeffer, daughter of Adam and Margaret (nee Weiland) Schaeffer. He came to America on the WINTER GALLEY, arriving in Philadelphia on Sept 5, 1738 with his wife and three children. they settled in Bucks County in the part which later became Lehigh township, Northampton County. Wilhelm Best died Nov 24, 1762 and was buried in St Paul's Lutheran jCemetery, Indianland, near Cherryville, Lehigh township, Northampton County PA (about 17 miles northwest of Easton PA.)
By 1738, Wilhelm Best, then 26, and his wife Anna Susanna , had finally saved enough to emigrate to America. They came on the ship WINTER GALLEY withe their two children, a third child on the way. Edward Paynter was the Commander. On the same ship was John Adam Schaeffer, Jr, probably Susanna's brother, and George Smith, who later married Susanna's sister Barbara Schaeffer in Lehigh Township Bucks County, PA.The journey to Pennsylvania fell naturally into three parts. First there was the journey down the Rhine from their German home to Rotterdam,Holland; then there was the trip form Holland to the English Port of Deal; and finally there was the ocean voyage from England to Philadelphia. The sea passage from Rotterdam to Philadelphia was about ten pounds sterling or sixty florins for each person over ten. Children from five to ten years paid half fare, while children under five went free. Our Bests probably departed before William Best Jr reached age five so as to save the half fare. For these prices, passengers were conveyed to Philadelphia and provided with food, as long as they were at sea, though of very poor quality. The other costs on land from home to Rotterdam were at least forty florins or almost seven pounds. No account is taken here of extraordinary contingencies. Even with the greatest economy, many passengers spent about 34 pounds or 200 florins from home to Philadelphia.The first part of the journey and by no means the easiest , was the journey from Palatinate Germany on a slow overcrowded riverboat down the Rhine to Rotterdam, Holland. Weare not sure just where in the Palatinate the Bests originated their journey, but some of the passengers on the Winter Galley were from Petersheim in Kusel Landkries (New County); Oppau in Ludwigshafen; Gommersheim in Landau; and Pfeddersheim in Worms. All these are in the present German state of Rhineland Palatinate (Rhineland-Pfalz) on the west side of the Rhine River so our ancestors were likely from that general area.Their trip began in the Spring, probably March, as a six month trip was typical of the time, and was full of hardships. Gottlieb Mittelberger made theis trip twelve years after our Bests, and the experience of our Bests was probably very similar. He writes:" the Rhine boats from Heilbronn to Holland have to pass by 26 custom houses, at all of which the ships are examined, which is done when it suits the convenience of the customhouse officials. in the meantime the ships with the people are detained long, so that the passengers have to spend much money. The trip down the Rhine lasts therefore four, five and even six weeks. When the ships come to Holland, they are detained there likewise five to six weeks. Because things are very dear there, the poor people have to spend nearly all they have during that time."The second stage of the journey of Wilhelm and susanna Best was form Rotterdam Holland to the English Port of Deal. In England there was another delay of one to two weeks, when the ships were waiting either to be passed through the custom house or waiting for favorable winds. When the ship had for the last time weighed its' anchors at Deal, then writes Mittleberger, "the real misery begins with the long voyage. For from there the ships, unless they have a good wind, must often sail eight, nine, ten to twelve weeks before they reach Philadelphia. But even with the best wind, the voyage lasts seven weeks."The third stage of the journey, or the ocean voyage proper, was marked by much suffering and hardship. The passengers were packed densely, hundreds on a small ship. There were 252 passengers recorded on the Winter Galley. Of these , 113 were women and children. Food and water were scanty and often contaminated, and so the passengers were subject to all sorts of diseases, such as dysentery scurvy, typhoid and smallpox. children were the first to be attacked and died in large numbers. Ventilation was bad. Rats and lice abounded. There was also a danger of being captured by pirates and sold into slavery, and drills of male passengers were held in case of attack. These terrors were much aggravated by frequent storms through which ships and passengers had to pass. Mittelberger writes :"the misery reaches the climax when a gale rages for two or three nights and days so that everyone believes that the ship will go to the bottom with all human beings on board. In such a visitation the people cry and pray most piteously. When in such a gale the sea rages and surges so that the waves rise often like mountains one above the other and often tumble down over the ship so that one fears to go down with the ship; when the ship is constantly tossed from side to side by the storm and waves so that no one can either walk or sit or lie and the closely packed people in the berths are thereby tumbled over each other, both the sick and the well, it will be readily understood that many of these people, none of whom had been prepared for hardships, suffer so terribly from them that they do not survive.'Our ancestors, Wilhelm and Anna Susanna Best and their two small children, Wilhelm, 5, and Susanna, 3, did survive these miseries. In addition , family tradition tells us that Susanna gave birth to her third child Ann Elizabeth during the voyage. when at long last their destination was in sight, it must have been a tremendous relief. Mittelberger writes:" when the ships scome in sight of land which the people were so eager and anxious to see, all creep from below on deck to see the land from afar and they weep for joy, and pray and sing, thanking and praising God. The sight of land makes the people on board the ship, especially the sick and half dead alive again, so that their hearts leap within them; they shout and rejoice and are content to bear their misery in patience in the hope that they may soon reach the land in safety.
From boyhood he planned to emigrate to America and had saved some money toward the journey when he learned that the parents of the girl he planned to marry , Adam and Anna Margaret Schaeffer, were about to emigrate to America themselves. He had not planned to marry so soon, but if he didn't, Anna would have been obliged to go with her parents to America. she did not want to go without Wilhelm, and he had to earn money to make the trip. So to prevent this, they moved up the date of their marriage and then the rest of the Schaeffer family left for America. Wilhelm gave to his father in law what money he had saved toward his own trip with instructions that when Mr. Schaeffer found where he wished to settle in America, he was to buy extra land so Wilhem and Anna could settle near her family when they eventually saved enough for their own passage, plus the necessities to see them through the first year until they could clear land and raise a crop. Adam Schaeffer purchased land in Bush Co. It is said that Wilhelm's health was seriously undermined by all the hardships.Wilhelm fought in the French and Indian War. There were less than 100 people living in Lehigh Twp when Wilhelm received official title of his land. Wilhelm and Anna worked very hard to clear the land, fell trees, and stayed up many nights to keep the wolves away until their shelter was built. Wilhelm's land was near an old Indian trail from the North Branch of the Susquehanna River, not far from the Lehigh Gap. It led to Shamokin, an Indian town, now Sunbury, and on to what was later the site of Bethlehem and Easton, PA. Lehigh Twp suffered greatly during the Indian invasions and was virtually abandoned in 1755/56, the inhabitants seeking refuge in Bethlehem and Nazareth. A stockage was built to protect the town from Indians.[Ref: 1761/62 tax records, Lehigh Twp]: Patent for land issued Oct 1,1748 by Thomas and Richard Penn in Bucks Co.Wilhelm and his family were Lutherans and members of the Union Congregation of St Paul's near the village of Cherryville in Lehigh Twp, founded about 1750; it was then called Indianland Congregation at the Blue Mountains on the Lehigh. He died without a will, and William Jr bought the land and was to pay his siblings their share within a year. However, it seems the homestead later went to his brother Henry and William Jr moved to western PA. The Best home is said to have been burned twice, once by Indians and later by the Hessians.The Bests followed the German custom of double naming the children, with John being a favorite for the sons, Maria and Anna for the daughters. The Best families used John as the first name of all their sons for several generations although they were generally referred to by the second name.Wilhelm and Anna had 9 children. After Wilhelm died, Anna married Peter Lobaugh and had 2 children.
per DS/Arrived in the US on ship Winter Galley, Sept 5, 1738,from Rotterdam, Master: Edward Paynter, arrived in port of Philadelphia with wife and 2 children and a 3rd born on the voyage. age26;His brothers Jeremiah, George, and Nicholas were also on this ship as well as Anna's parents. Records from PA Archives show that both Wilhelm and son William fought in French and Indian War in 1757.Data on arrival in America from PA Archives Ser 2 Vol 17.
per JF/A History of Wilhem Best and His Descendents:Named for his father, he was born in 1713 in Switzerland where his family was living temporarily, having fled from the armies invading the German Palatinate. In 1732, he married Anna Susanna Schaeffer, daughter of Adam and Margaret (nee Weiland) Schaeffer. He came to America on the WINTER GALLEY, arriving in Philadelphia on Sept 5, 1738 with his wife and three children. they settled in Bucks County in the part which later became Lehigh township, Northampton County. Wilhelm Best died Nov 24, 1762 and was buried in St Paul's Lutheran jCemetery, Indianland, near Cherryville, Lehigh township, Northampton County PA (about 17 miles northwest of Easton PA.)
By 1738, Wilhelm Best, then 26, and his wife Anna Susanna , had finally saved enough to emigrate to America. They came on the ship WINTER GALLEY withe their two children, a third child on the way. Edward Paynter was the Commander. On the same ship was John Adam Schaeffer, Jr, probably Susanna's brother, and George Smith, who later married Susanna's sister Barbara Schaeffer in Lehigh Township Bucks County, PA.The journey to Pennsylvania fell naturally into three parts. First there was the journey down the Rhine from their German home to Rotterdam,Holland; then there was the trip form Holland to the English Port of Deal; and finally there was the ocean voyage from England to Philadelphia. The sea passage from Rotterdam to Philadelphia was about ten pounds sterling or sixty florins for each person over ten. Children from five to ten years paid half fare, while children under five went free. Our Bests probably departed before William Best Jr reached age five so as to save the half fare. For these prices, passengers were conveyed to Philadelphia and provided with food, as long as they were at sea, though of very poor quality. The other costs on land from home to Rotterdam were at least forty florins or almost seven pounds. No account is taken here of extraordinary contingencies. Even with the greatest economy, many passengers spent about 34 pounds or 200 florins from home to Philadelphia.The first part of the journey and by no means the easiest , was the journey from Palatinate Germany on a slow overcrowded riverboat down the Rhine to Rotterdam, Holland. Weare not sure just where in the Palatinate the Bests originated their journey, but some of the passengers on the Winter Galley were from Petersheim in Kusel Landkries (New County); Oppau in Ludwigshafen; Gommersheim in Landau; and Pfeddersheim in Worms. All these are in the present German state of Rhineland Palatinate (Rhineland-Pfalz) on the west side of the Rhine River so our ancestors were likely from that general area.Their trip began in the Spring, probably March, as a six month trip was typical of the time, and was full of hardships. Gottlieb Mittelberger made theis trip twelve years after our Bests, and the experience of our Bests was probably very similar. He writes:" the Rhine boats from Heilbronn to Holland have to pass by 26 custom houses, at all of which the ships are examined, which is done when it suits the convenience of the customhouse officials. in the meantime the ships with the people are detained long, so that the passengers have to spend much money. The trip down the Rhine lasts therefore four, five and even six weeks. When the ships come to Holland, they are detained there likewise five to six weeks. Because things are very dear there, the poor people have to spend nearly all they have during that time."The second stage of the journey of Wilhelm and susanna Best was form Rotterdam Holland to the English Port of Deal. In England there was another delay of one to two weeks, when the ships were waiting either to be passed through the custom house or waiting for favorable winds. When the ship had for the last time weighed its' anchors at Deal, then writes Mittleberger, "the real misery begins with the long voyage. For from there the ships, unless they have a good wind, must often sail eight, nine, ten to twelve weeks before they reach Philadelphia. But even with the best wind, the voyage lasts seven weeks."The third stage of the journey, or the ocean voyage proper, was marked by much suffering and hardship. The passengers were packed densely, hundreds on a small ship. There were 252 passengers recorded on the Winter Galley. Of these , 113 were women and children. Food and water were scanty and often contaminated, and so the passengers were subject to all sorts of diseases, such as dysentery scurvy, typhoid and smallpox. children were the first to be attacked and died in large numbers. Ventilation was bad. Rats and lice abounded. There was also a danger of being captured by pirates and sold into slavery, and drills of male passengers were held in case of attack. These terrors were much aggravated by frequent storms through which ships and passengers had to pass. Mittelberger writes :"the misery reaches the climax when a gale rages for two or three nights and days so that everyone believes that the ship will go to the bottom with all human beings on board. In such a visitation the people cry and pray most piteously. When in such a gale the sea rages and surges so that the waves rise often like mountains one above the other and often tumble down over the ship so that one fears to go down with the ship; when the ship is constantly tossed from side to side by the storm and waves so that no one can either walk or sit or lie and the closely packed people in the berths are thereby tumbled over each other, both the sick and the well, it will be readily understood that many of these people, none of whom had been prepared for hardships, suffer so terribly from them that they do not survive.'Our ancestors, Wilhelm and Anna Susanna Best and their two small children, Wilhelm, 5, and Susanna, 3, did survive these miseries. In addition , family tradition tells us that Susanna gave birth to her third child Ann Elizabeth during the voyage. when at long last their destination was in sight, it must have been a tremendous relief. Mittelberger writes:" when the ships scome in sight of land which the people were so eager and anxious to see, all creep from below on deck to see the land from afar and they weep for joy, and pray and sing, thanking and praising God. The sight of land makes the people on board the ship, especially the sick and half dead alive again, so that their hearts leap within them; they shout and rejoice and are content to bear their misery in patience in the hope that they may soon reach the land in safety.
From boyhood he planned to emigrate to America and had saved some money toward the journey when he learned that the parents of the girl he planned to marry , Adam and Anna Margaret Schaeffer, were about to emigrate to America themselves. He had not planned to marry so soon, but if he didn't, Anna would have been obliged to go with her parents to America. she did not want to go without Wilhelm, and he had to earn money to make the trip. So to prevent this, they moved up the date of their marriage and then the rest of the Schaeffer family left for America. Wilhelm gave to his father in law what money he had saved toward his own trip with instructions that when Mr. Schaeffer found where he wished to settle in America, he was to buy extra land so Wilhem and Anna could settle near her family when they eventually saved enough for their own passage, plus the necessities to see them through the first year until they could clear land and raise a crop. Adam Schaeffer purchased land in Bush Co. It is said that Wilhelm's health was seriously undermined by all the hardships.Wilhelm fought in the French and Indian War. There were less than 100 people living in Lehigh Twp when Wilhelm received official title of his land. Wilhelm and Anna worked very hard to clear the land, fell trees, and stayed up many nights to keep the wolves away until their shelter was built. Wilhelm's land was near an old Indian trail from the North Branch of the Susquehanna River, not far from the Lehigh Gap. It led to Shamokin, an Indian town, now Sunbury, and on to what was later the site of Bethlehem and Easton, PA. Lehigh Twp suffered greatly during the Indian invasions and was virtually abandoned in 1755/56, the inhabitants seeking refuge in Bethlehem and Nazareth. A stockage was built to protect the town from Indians.[Ref: 1761/62 tax records, Lehigh Twp]: Patent for land issued Oct 1,1748 by Thomas and Richard Penn in Bucks Co.Wilhelm and his family were Lutherans and members of the Union Congregation of St Paul's near the village of Cherryville in Lehigh Twp, founded about 1750; it was then called Indianland Congregation at the Blue Mountains on the Lehigh. He died without a will, and William Jr bought the land and was to pay his siblings their share within a year. However, it seems the homestead later went to his brother Henry and William Jr moved to western PA. The Best home is said to have been burned twice, once by Indians and later by the Hessians.The Bests followed the German custom of double naming the children, with John being a favorite for the sons, Maria and Anna for the daughters. The Best families used John as the first name of all their sons for several generations although they were generally referred to by the second name.Wilhelm and Anna had 9 children. After Wilhelm died, Anna married Peter Lobaugh and had 2 children.
John Michael Best
christened Aug 4,1808..First Lutheran Church, Greensburg PA;buried at Hankey's Cemetery, Franklin Twp, Westmoreland Co, PA;birth and death dates may have been: 1762-1844- Apr 26, 1844, funeral service for Michael Best at Hankey's Church-from Rev Jacop Zimmerman's diary.
According to Jessie S. Palmer, a family researcher for the Best family in April of 1949: Michael was born and married in Northampton Co . He is listed on class roll of Capt Frederick Kerns Co of Northampton Co, Militia May 2, 1781, Feb 25, 1783. Penna Archives Ser 5,Vol 8, p 250, 519, 616, also mentioned in Vol 4 p 651, and in Ser 6 Vol 3, p 886,-ser 5 Vol 23 p 305.In 3rd Ser Vol 19 p 168-348, he is listed as taxable 1785-1788 Lehigh Twp, Northampton Co.
According to Jessie S. Palmer, a family researcher for the Best family in April of 1949: Michael was born and married in Northampton Co . He is listed on class roll of Capt Frederick Kerns Co of Northampton Co, Militia May 2, 1781, Feb 25, 1783. Penna Archives Ser 5,Vol 8, p 250, 519, 616, also mentioned in Vol 4 p 651, and in Ser 6 Vol 3, p 886,-ser 5 Vol 23 p 305.In 3rd Ser Vol 19 p 168-348, he is listed as taxable 1785-1788 Lehigh Twp, Northampton Co.
Martha Magdalena Rose Best
buried at Round Top (Round Hill) Cemetery, New Kensington, PA,Westmoreland Co.
John Michael Best
farmer; cabinet maker; carpenter;christened Aug 4, 1808 at First Lutheran Church, Greensburg, PAdied of pneumonia; buried at Round Top (Round Hill) Cemetery, New Kensington, PA, Westmoreland Co.dates may have been: b. 1808 d. 2-7-1888A tall broad shouldered man, sandy hair and fair complexion.
Reuben Best
christened Oct 21,1853 Hankey Church, Westmoreland Co, PA
Obituary from Sewickley Herald 9 Sep 1932:
Reuben Best, aged 80, died at 1:15am Sunday, Sept 4, 1932 at the residence of his daughter, Mrs George Custer, in Youngstown, Ohio, after a brief illness.Friends were received at the WE Gray Funeral Home, 328 Beaver St, where services were conducted by Rev HA Welday of the Sewickley Methodist Episcopal Church on Tuesday afternoon.Interment was made in the Sewickley Cemetery.Mr Best was born in Westmoreland County, a son of John M and Martha Rose Best, and was a resident of the Valley practically all of his life. He lived on Pearce Lane , Edgeworth for a number of years and was well known throughout the Valley as a painter until his retirement. He was a member of the sewickley Methodist Episcopal Church for many years and took an active interest in the Men's Bible Class.He is survived by his wife, Sarah Mallisee Best; three daughters, Mrs Custer, Mrs Tatsch of Edgeworth , and Mrs James B Brush of Sewickley; one son, John Best of Centennial Avenue, and a brother, Lewis Best.
Obituary from Sewickley Herald 9 Sep 1932:
Reuben Best, aged 80, died at 1:15am Sunday, Sept 4, 1932 at the residence of his daughter, Mrs George Custer, in Youngstown, Ohio, after a brief illness.Friends were received at the WE Gray Funeral Home, 328 Beaver St, where services were conducted by Rev HA Welday of the Sewickley Methodist Episcopal Church on Tuesday afternoon.Interment was made in the Sewickley Cemetery.Mr Best was born in Westmoreland County, a son of John M and Martha Rose Best, and was a resident of the Valley practically all of his life. He lived on Pearce Lane , Edgeworth for a number of years and was well known throughout the Valley as a painter until his retirement. He was a member of the sewickley Methodist Episcopal Church for many years and took an active interest in the Men's Bible Class.He is survived by his wife, Sarah Mallisee Best; three daughters, Mrs Custer, Mrs Tatsch of Edgeworth , and Mrs James B Brush of Sewickley; one son, John Best of Centennial Avenue, and a brother, Lewis Best.
Sarah Emma Mallisee Best
twin to Nancy Jane; had 7 children*buried at Sewickley Cemetery, Sewickley, Allegheny Co PA
Obituary from Sewickley Herald, 3 Feb 1933:Mrs Sarah Mallasee Best, aged 76, died at 11:15am Saturday Jan 28, 1933, in Youngstown, Ohio;Funeral services were conducted at the WE Gray Funeral Home, 328 Beaver St, by Rev HA Welday of the Sewickley Methodist Episcopal Chruch on Tuesday afternoon and interment was made in the Sewickley Cemetery.Mrs Best, who was the wife of the late Reuben Best, formerly of Edgeworth, was born in Pittsburgh, a daughter of Samuel and Margaret Little Mallasee and lived in the Valley since she was a child. She was a member of the Sewickley Methodist Church for many years.Sheis survived by a sister, Miss Nancy Mallasee of Youngstown OH; a son, John of Centennial Avenue; three daughters, Mrs James Brush of Bank Street, Mrs Phillip Tatach of Edgeworth and Mrs George Custer of Youngstown; seven grandchildren and four great-grandchildren.
Obituary from Sewickley Herald, 3 Feb 1933:Mrs Sarah Mallasee Best, aged 76, died at 11:15am Saturday Jan 28, 1933, in Youngstown, Ohio;Funeral services were conducted at the WE Gray Funeral Home, 328 Beaver St, by Rev HA Welday of the Sewickley Methodist Episcopal Chruch on Tuesday afternoon and interment was made in the Sewickley Cemetery.Mrs Best, who was the wife of the late Reuben Best, formerly of Edgeworth, was born in Pittsburgh, a daughter of Samuel and Margaret Little Mallasee and lived in the Valley since she was a child. She was a member of the Sewickley Methodist Church for many years.Sheis survived by a sister, Miss Nancy Mallasee of Youngstown OH; a son, John of Centennial Avenue; three daughters, Mrs James Brush of Bank Street, Mrs Phillip Tatach of Edgeworth and Mrs George Custer of Youngstown; seven grandchildren and four great-grandchildren.
Samuel Mallisee
1850 census Pittsburgh, Allegheny County, PA,
2nd Ward Pittsburgh, 2 Sep 1850, enumerator LS Johns, printed page 081
:Samuel, age 23, occupation moulder, born PA, living with Thomas and Sarah Malisse.
1860 Census, Pittsburgh, PA , Allegheny County,
7th Ward Pittsburgh, 26 Jun 1860, enumerator John McTiernnan, printed page 274, dwelling 64, family 74:
Samuel Mallacy, age 32, m, occupation moulder, born PA
Margaret , age 30
Nancy Jane , age 6
Sarah A , age 6
Annie S , age 3
Samuel, age 2 mos
2nd Ward Pittsburgh, 2 Sep 1850, enumerator LS Johns, printed page 081
:Samuel, age 23, occupation moulder, born PA, living with Thomas and Sarah Malisse.
1860 Census, Pittsburgh, PA , Allegheny County,
7th Ward Pittsburgh, 26 Jun 1860, enumerator John McTiernnan, printed page 274, dwelling 64, family 74:
Samuel Mallacy, age 32, m, occupation moulder, born PA
Margaret , age 30
Nancy Jane , age 6
Sarah A , age 6
Annie S , age 3
Samuel, age 2 mos
George Orbin Hall
buried at Murrysville Cemetery, Murrysville, PA,Westmoreland Co.U. of Maryland, he was a physician graduated 1901
George Michael Best
painter;cabinet maker;christened Mar 16,1851 at Hankey Church,Franklin Twp,Westmoreland Co,PA;death date may have been May 8,1926
b Feb 25, 1850
b Feb 25, 1850
Marjorie Guinan Best
Obituary:"Marjorie Best, 67, of Ontario, died April 11 at home. A homemaker, she was a native of Lincoln Nebraska, and an Ontario resident for 15 years. she was a World War II Navy veteran. She was a member of the Westminster Presbyterian Church, Ontario.She is survived by her husband, Robert C; a son, Warren M Best of Rancho Cucamonga; a daughter, Elizabeth Ehrhardt of Novato; two brothers: Warren Guinan of Deerfield, NH and Mark Guinan of Midland , TX; and six grandchildren.Memorial services will be held at 12:30pm Saturday at Westminster Presbyterian Church, Ontario. Interment will be private.Draper Mortuary is in charge of arrangements."
Robert Clements Best
born at 708 Seventh St, New Kensington PA, Westmoreland Co
Robert Clements Best, 78, of Aliso Viejo California, died May 7, 2001, after a long bout with cancer. Born Feb 5, 1923 in New Kensington PA, and a former resident of Apollo PA, he and his family moved to California in the early 1950s, and lived many years in Ontario, Orange County. He married the former Marjorie Guinan, who preceded him in death on April 11, 1990. Mr Best served as a US Navy pilot in WWII. He retired from SoCal Edison after a twenty five year career. He was a member of the Westminster Presbyterian Church of Ontario until he moved to Aliso Viejo. He was dearly loved by all his family and all who knew him. He is survived by a sister, Gayle Best Imm of Butler Pennsylvania; a son, Warren Michael Best of Rancho Cucamonga CA; a daughter, Elizabeth Ehrhardt of Novato CA; grandchildren, Carol Theiss, Nicole Pingley, Noel Ehrhardt, Christine, Robert and Amanda Best; great grandchildren, Haleigh Pingley and Sarah Theiss; and a number of nieces and nephews. Besides his wife, he was preceded in death by his parents, Clarence and Mamie Clements Best, sisters Grace Binder, Rebecca Mouhat, Marie Leah,and brothers Tom and George Best. Memorial services will be held at Coast Hills Church on May 17, 2001 at 11am. The family suggests donations to the American Cancer Society in his memory.
Robert Clements Best, 78, of Aliso Viejo California, died May 7, 2001, after a long bout with cancer. Born Feb 5, 1923 in New Kensington PA, and a former resident of Apollo PA, he and his family moved to California in the early 1950s, and lived many years in Ontario, Orange County. He married the former Marjorie Guinan, who preceded him in death on April 11, 1990. Mr Best served as a US Navy pilot in WWII. He retired from SoCal Edison after a twenty five year career. He was a member of the Westminster Presbyterian Church of Ontario until he moved to Aliso Viejo. He was dearly loved by all his family and all who knew him. He is survived by a sister, Gayle Best Imm of Butler Pennsylvania; a son, Warren Michael Best of Rancho Cucamonga CA; a daughter, Elizabeth Ehrhardt of Novato CA; grandchildren, Carol Theiss, Nicole Pingley, Noel Ehrhardt, Christine, Robert and Amanda Best; great grandchildren, Haleigh Pingley and Sarah Theiss; and a number of nieces and nephews. Besides his wife, he was preceded in death by his parents, Clarence and Mamie Clements Best, sisters Grace Binder, Rebecca Mouhat, Marie Leah,and brothers Tom and George Best. Memorial services will be held at Coast Hills Church on May 17, 2001 at 11am. The family suggests donations to the American Cancer Society in his memory.
Harry Thompson Best
born at 708 Seventh Street, New Kensington, Westmoreland Co PA;died of stroke, buried at Lakewood Memorial Gardens, Indiana Twp, PA
obituary:" H Thompson "Tom" Best, a chemist of Gulf Oil Corp for 37 years, died Tuesday in West Penn Hospital.Mr Best , 66, of Upper Burrell, had suffered a cerebral hemorrhage 10 days ago at the Pittsburgh Garden Club.He was a project chemist in the analytical technology department at the Gulf Research Center in Harmarville when he retired in 1982. Since then, raising orchids became his primary interest.He was a member of the Orchid Society of Western Pennsylvania; the American Society of Mass Spectrometry, and the Spectrometry Society of Pittsburgh.Mr Best attended the University of Pittsburgh. he was a veteran of World War II, serving in the Army Air Corps as a gunner. He flew 76 combat missions over Europe before being discharged in July 1945.Surviving are his wife , Constance C; two daughters, Janet Chisholm of Allison Park and Candace B Craig of Pittsburgh;three grandchildren, a brother Robert of Ontario California; and two sisters: Marie Leah of Emlenton, Venango County; and Gayle Imm of Butler.Friends may call from 2 to 4 pm and 7 to 9pm tomorrow in the Richard G Churchfield Funeral Home, 501 Fifth Ave New Kensington. Services will be held at 10am Saturday in Fox chapel Presbyterian Church.the family suggests memorial contributions may be made to Children's Hospital, 125 DeSoto St, Pittsburgh 15213."
obituary:" H Thompson "Tom" Best, a chemist of Gulf Oil Corp for 37 years, died Tuesday in West Penn Hospital.Mr Best , 66, of Upper Burrell, had suffered a cerebral hemorrhage 10 days ago at the Pittsburgh Garden Club.He was a project chemist in the analytical technology department at the Gulf Research Center in Harmarville when he retired in 1982. Since then, raising orchids became his primary interest.He was a member of the Orchid Society of Western Pennsylvania; the American Society of Mass Spectrometry, and the Spectrometry Society of Pittsburgh.Mr Best attended the University of Pittsburgh. he was a veteran of World War II, serving in the Army Air Corps as a gunner. He flew 76 combat missions over Europe before being discharged in July 1945.Surviving are his wife , Constance C; two daughters, Janet Chisholm of Allison Park and Candace B Craig of Pittsburgh;three grandchildren, a brother Robert of Ontario California; and two sisters: Marie Leah of Emlenton, Venango County; and Gayle Imm of Butler.Friends may call from 2 to 4 pm and 7 to 9pm tomorrow in the Richard G Churchfield Funeral Home, 501 Fifth Ave New Kensington. Services will be held at 10am Saturday in Fox chapel Presbyterian Church.the family suggests memorial contributions may be made to Children's Hospital, 125 DeSoto St, Pittsburgh 15213."
Rebecca Jane Best Mouhat
born at 708 Seventh St, New Kensington, PA, Westmoreland Co.Died of complications of multiple sclerosis
Rebecca Best Mouhat, 50, formerly of New Kensington PA, died Nov. 16, 1966 in her home in Bell CA, after a lengthy illness. Born April 25, 1916 in New Kensington, she was the daughter of the late Clarence M and Mamie Clements Best. A long time resident of PA, she and her family moved to California in 1954. She was a member of Atlantic Boulevard Methodist Church, Maywood CA. Survivors include: her husband, Albert A. Mouhat; one daughter, Marie Nicolle Mouhat of Bell, CA; two brothers, Harry T. Best of Upper Burrell Township PA, and Robert C. Best of La Puente, CA; two sisters, Mrs. Joseph (Marie) Leah of Arnold PA, and Mrs. George (Gayle) Imm of New Kensington. Besides her parents, she was preceded in death by her sister, Grace Binder, and her brother, George Best. Burial was in Rose Hills Memorial Park.
Rebecca Best Mouhat, 50, formerly of New Kensington PA, died Nov. 16, 1966 in her home in Bell CA, after a lengthy illness. Born April 25, 1916 in New Kensington, she was the daughter of the late Clarence M and Mamie Clements Best. A long time resident of PA, she and her family moved to California in 1954. She was a member of Atlantic Boulevard Methodist Church, Maywood CA. Survivors include: her husband, Albert A. Mouhat; one daughter, Marie Nicolle Mouhat of Bell, CA; two brothers, Harry T. Best of Upper Burrell Township PA, and Robert C. Best of La Puente, CA; two sisters, Mrs. Joseph (Marie) Leah of Arnold PA, and Mrs. George (Gayle) Imm of New Kensington. Besides her parents, she was preceded in death by her sister, Grace Binder, and her brother, George Best. Burial was in Rose Hills Memorial Park.
Annabelle Leah Uckert
Annabelle Leah Uckert, 67, of Emlenton, Scrubgrass Township, VenangoCounty, died at 2:40 p.m. Saturday, June 25, 2005, in her home afteran 18-month struggle with primary peritoneal cancer.Born Jan. 6, 1938, in New Kensington, she was the daughter of thelate Joseph R. and Marie V. Best Leah.She was a 1955 graduate of Arnold High School in Arnold.Mrs. Uckert had been employed as the fashion director of Ivy'sDepartment Store in Charlotte, N.C. She also had been a print, stageand television model.She was married June 30, 1973, at Rodgers Riviera to Dieter Uckert,who survives. They lived for almost 30 years in Pound Ridge, N.Y.,where she was an active volunteer in her community.She was involved with the Drug Abuse Prevention Council and was thefounding member of "Bridges," an adjunct support group. She served thecommunity children as president of the Pound Ridge PTA and thecommunity at large as an elected member of the Pound Ridge Town Board.Following her husband's retirement, the couple moved in 2001 fromPound Ridge to Emlenton. Here she found time to pursue her manyhobbies including painting, hiking, gardening, canoeing on theAllegheny River and gourmet cooking.Mrs. Uckert was a member of the Chapel on the Hill, Assembly of GodChurch, in Emlenton.Faced with her own mortality, she was able to fulfill her dream ofhosting a beautiful wedding for her son, Matthew, at the Chapel andalongside the Allegheny River where she found herself surrounded byfamily and friends. She will always be remembered for her contagioussmile, her generous spirit and her love for all, especially children.Surviving are two sons, Matthew J. Uckert and wife, Elizabeth Ann, ofWilmington, N.C., and Christopher L. Prevatt of Garden Grove, Calif.She also is survived by three brothers, Joseph E. Leah of Avonmore,Kenneth G. Leah of Vandergrift and David A. Leah of Irvine, Calif.;and a number of nieces and nephews.In addition to her parents and her first husband, she was preceded indeath by her daughter, Nicole Prevatt.Friends will be received from 2 to 4 and 7 to 9 p.m. Friday in theHile Funeral Home, 1204 Kerr Ave. at Walnut Street, Emlenton.Funeral services will be held at 11 a.m. Saturday in the Chapel onthe Hill, Assembly of God Church, Route 208 west of Emlenton, with theRev. Chris Clark officiating.Those who wish can make contributions in remembrance of Mrs. Uckert to the Building Extension Fund of Chapel on the Hill, P.O. Box 507,Emlenton, 16373.
Joseph Edward Leah
Joseph E. LeahLower Burrell
Joseph E. Leah, 71, of Lower Burrell, died Tuesday, June 19, 2007, at Allegheny Valley Hospital. He was born Sept. 21, 1935, in New Kensington, a son of the late Joseph R. and Marie (Best) Leah. Joe was a 29-year veteran of the U.S. Army and retired as a sergeant major in 1982. He served in many locations during his military career, including Germany, Italy and Korea, as well as U.S. bases such as, Ft. Sill, Okla., Ft. Knox, Ky., and as a recruiter in Queens, N.Y. He also was known locally for many years as the U.S. Army recruiter in New Kensington. Joe was a member and former commander of VFW Post 92 in Lower Burrell, a member of American Legion Post 868 in Lower Burrell and a member of F&AM Lodge 577 in Leechburg. He was a graduate of Arnold High School and after retirement from the Army, he earned his master's degree in human resource management from LaRoche College. He was an avid hunter and loved the outdoors. Besides his parents, he was preceded in death by his sister, Annabelle Uckert. He is survived by his wife, Arlene; two brothers, Kenneth and David Leah; a son, Joseph S. Leah and wife, Claudia; daughter, Jill A. Leah; his wife from his first marriage, Janet Leah-Landis; three granddaughters, Grace, Natalie and Sophie Leah; stepdaughters, Susan Sabotka and husband, Ted, and Cathy Richard; a stepson, Anthony Bishop and wife, Jeannie; and a stepgranddaughter, Amy Sabotka. Family and friends will be received from 7 to 9 p.m. Thursday and 2 to 4 and 7 to 9 p.m. Friday in the FRANK F. GIGLER FUNERAL HOME, 2877 Leechburg Road, Lower Burrell, where a service will be held 11 a.m. Saturday. Interment will immediately follow the service at Greenwood Memorial Park, Lower Burrell.
Joseph E. Leah, 71, of Lower Burrell, died Tuesday, June 19, 2007, at Allegheny Valley Hospital. He was born Sept. 21, 1935, in New Kensington, a son of the late Joseph R. and Marie (Best) Leah. Joe was a 29-year veteran of the U.S. Army and retired as a sergeant major in 1982. He served in many locations during his military career, including Germany, Italy and Korea, as well as U.S. bases such as, Ft. Sill, Okla., Ft. Knox, Ky., and as a recruiter in Queens, N.Y. He also was known locally for many years as the U.S. Army recruiter in New Kensington. Joe was a member and former commander of VFW Post 92 in Lower Burrell, a member of American Legion Post 868 in Lower Burrell and a member of F&AM Lodge 577 in Leechburg. He was a graduate of Arnold High School and after retirement from the Army, he earned his master's degree in human resource management from LaRoche College. He was an avid hunter and loved the outdoors. Besides his parents, he was preceded in death by his sister, Annabelle Uckert. He is survived by his wife, Arlene; two brothers, Kenneth and David Leah; a son, Joseph S. Leah and wife, Claudia; daughter, Jill A. Leah; his wife from his first marriage, Janet Leah-Landis; three granddaughters, Grace, Natalie and Sophie Leah; stepdaughters, Susan Sabotka and husband, Ted, and Cathy Richard; a stepson, Anthony Bishop and wife, Jeannie; and a stepgranddaughter, Amy Sabotka. Family and friends will be received from 7 to 9 p.m. Thursday and 2 to 4 and 7 to 9 p.m. Friday in the FRANK F. GIGLER FUNERAL HOME, 2877 Leechburg Road, Lower Burrell, where a service will be held 11 a.m. Saturday. Interment will immediately follow the service at Greenwood Memorial Park, Lower Burrell.
Joseph Richard Leah
Mr Joseph R Leah, 93, of Vandergrift PA, formerly Emlenton PA, died January 24, 2001. He was born Oct 11, 1907 in Greensburg PA Westmoreland County, son of Richard and Margaret Cline Leah. He was retired after 40 years at ALCOA as a foreman in the remelt division. He was a member of Emlenton UP Church and a charter member of the Emlenton Kiwanis Club where he held various offices including president. He also was a member of the Emlenton Over 55 Club and was the 1993 Member of the Year. He belonged to Allegheny Valley Lodge 552 F&AM and the Valley of New Castle Consistory. He enjoyed hunting, fishing and flower gardening,and was a past member of the Chieftain Archery Club. Survivors include three sons: Joseph E Leah of Avonmore PA, Kenneth G Leah of Vandergrift PA, and David A Leah of Santa Ana CA; a daughter, Annabelle Uckert of Pound Ridge NY; 5 grandchildren and several great grandchildren; a brother, Robert Leah of Peoria Illinois; sisters Marie Schrecengost and Edith Schlecot of Lower Burrell, Margaret Gancas of Meadville PA, and a number of nieces and nephews. Marie V Leah, his wife, preceded him in death on Nov 26, 1985. They married in Wellsburg WVA on Dec 24, 1928. Two brothers also preceded him in death. Burial was at Plum Creek Cemetery, New Texas PA
Vida Marie Best Leah
born at 1206 Locust St. McKeesport PA; died at home , Emlenton, PA, Venango Co, of coronary; buried at Plum Creek Cemetery, New Texas, Allegheny Co. PA
Marie V Leah, 75, resident of Emlenton PA since 1970, died of an apparent coronary at Franklin Regional Medical Center on November 26, 1985.
Daughter of Clarence and Mamie Clements Best, she was born December 28, 1909 in McKeesport PA, the family later relocating to New Kensington PA, Westmoreland County.
She married Joseph R Leah December 24, 1930.
She was a homemaker and a member of the Emlenton Presbyterian Church and the Over 55 Club.
Survivors include: her husband, Joseph R Leah of Emlenton; sons Joseph E Leah of Lower Burrell, Kenneth Leah of Irwin, and David Leah of Irvine, California; daughter Mrs Dieter (Annabelle) Uckert of Pound Ridge NY; a sister Mrs George (Gayle) Imm of Butler PA; a brother Robert C Best of Ontario California; four grandchildren and one great grandchild.
Preceded in death by: brothers George and Tom Best; sisters Grace Binder and Rebecca Mouhat; and her parents.
A memorial service was held at the Emlenton Presbyterian Church and burial was at the Plum Creek Cemetery, New Texas PA.
Marie V Leah, 75, resident of Emlenton PA since 1970, died of an apparent coronary at Franklin Regional Medical Center on November 26, 1985.
Daughter of Clarence and Mamie Clements Best, she was born December 28, 1909 in McKeesport PA, the family later relocating to New Kensington PA, Westmoreland County.
She married Joseph R Leah December 24, 1930.
She was a homemaker and a member of the Emlenton Presbyterian Church and the Over 55 Club.
Survivors include: her husband, Joseph R Leah of Emlenton; sons Joseph E Leah of Lower Burrell, Kenneth Leah of Irwin, and David Leah of Irvine, California; daughter Mrs Dieter (Annabelle) Uckert of Pound Ridge NY; a sister Mrs George (Gayle) Imm of Butler PA; a brother Robert C Best of Ontario California; four grandchildren and one great grandchild.
Preceded in death by: brothers George and Tom Best; sisters Grace Binder and Rebecca Mouhat; and her parents.
A memorial service was held at the Emlenton Presbyterian Church and burial was at the Plum Creek Cemetery, New Texas PA.
George Clarence Best
unmarried; died of coronary, buried at Plum Creek Cemetery, New Texas, PA, Allegheny Co.
Obituary:"George C Best, 58, of 337 Freeport Road, New Kensington, died unexpectedly last night (Dec 9, 1964). Mr Best was going into the Moose Lodge on 5th Ave, New Kensington, and collapsed in the street in front of the building.He was taken by ambulance to Citizens General Hospital, New Kensington, where he was pronounced dead on arrival at 10:30. Death was attributed to a heart seizure. Mr. Best had a history of heart trouble.He was born Aug 28, 1906 in McKeesport to the late Clarence M and Mamie Clements Best, and lived in New Kensington most of his life.An Army veteran of World War II, Mr Best received the Purple Heart in the European Theater. He was honorably discharged with 100 percent disability.Prior to his military service, Mr Best was employed as a foreman in the cooking utensil division of New Kensington Works of Aluminum Co of America. Due to the injuries he suffered during World War II, Mr Best was able to work only about one year after his discharge.he was a member of Loyal Order Of Moose, Lodge 53, New Kensington, and Disabled American Veterans.Surviving are three sisters: Mrs. Joseph (Marie) Leah of Arnold; Mrs George (Gayle) Imm of 7th Street, New Kensington; Mrs Albert (Rebecca) Mouhat of Bell, Calif; two brothers: Harry T Best of Indiana Township, and Robert C Best of La Puente, Calif; another sister Mrs Grace Binder died in 1955.------------Friends may call after 7:30pm today in Ross G. Walker (successor to Charles H Hankey) Funeral Home, 217 Freeport Rd, New Kensington, where a service will be conducted at 11am Saturday. Burial will be in the family plot in Plum Creek Cemetery, New Texas, Plum.Members of the Loyal Order of Moose, Lodge 53, New Kensington, will assemble at 7:30pm tomorrow in the funeral home to participate in a memorial service. "
Obituary:"George C Best, 58, of 337 Freeport Road, New Kensington, died unexpectedly last night (Dec 9, 1964). Mr Best was going into the Moose Lodge on 5th Ave, New Kensington, and collapsed in the street in front of the building.He was taken by ambulance to Citizens General Hospital, New Kensington, where he was pronounced dead on arrival at 10:30. Death was attributed to a heart seizure. Mr. Best had a history of heart trouble.He was born Aug 28, 1906 in McKeesport to the late Clarence M and Mamie Clements Best, and lived in New Kensington most of his life.An Army veteran of World War II, Mr Best received the Purple Heart in the European Theater. He was honorably discharged with 100 percent disability.Prior to his military service, Mr Best was employed as a foreman in the cooking utensil division of New Kensington Works of Aluminum Co of America. Due to the injuries he suffered during World War II, Mr Best was able to work only about one year after his discharge.he was a member of Loyal Order Of Moose, Lodge 53, New Kensington, and Disabled American Veterans.Surviving are three sisters: Mrs. Joseph (Marie) Leah of Arnold; Mrs George (Gayle) Imm of 7th Street, New Kensington; Mrs Albert (Rebecca) Mouhat of Bell, Calif; two brothers: Harry T Best of Indiana Township, and Robert C Best of La Puente, Calif; another sister Mrs Grace Binder died in 1955.------------Friends may call after 7:30pm today in Ross G. Walker (successor to Charles H Hankey) Funeral Home, 217 Freeport Rd, New Kensington, where a service will be conducted at 11am Saturday. Burial will be in the family plot in Plum Creek Cemetery, New Texas, Plum.Members of the Loyal Order of Moose, Lodge 53, New Kensington, will assemble at 7:30pm tomorrow in the funeral home to participate in a memorial service. "
Edward Leroy Binder
Eddie, "Smiley", Binder, 47, of Upper Burrell Township, Westmoreland County PA, died June 18, 1976 in Mercy Hospital, Pittsburgh, PA of a stroke.
Son of Edward M and Grace Best Binder, he was born in Parnassus PA on November 17, 1928.
He was an Assistant Army Chaplain during the Korean Conflict. He was employed as a bricklayer for Allegheny Ludlum Steel Company, Brackenridge Works.
He was a member of the United Presbyterian Church of New Kensington, the Men's Church School Class, and served as a Sunday school teacher and a deacon. He was a member and previous Noble Grand of the New Kensington Lodge 804 of the independant Order of Odd Fellows.
Survivors include: his wife, Shirley Repine Binder; a son, Thomas Binder at home; and his father Edward Binder of Grove City PA.
Preceded in death by his mother, Grace Binder and a sister, Beryl Jean Binder.
Burial was at Greenwood Memorial Park, Lower Burrell PA.
Son of Edward M and Grace Best Binder, he was born in Parnassus PA on November 17, 1928.
He was an Assistant Army Chaplain during the Korean Conflict. He was employed as a bricklayer for Allegheny Ludlum Steel Company, Brackenridge Works.
He was a member of the United Presbyterian Church of New Kensington, the Men's Church School Class, and served as a Sunday school teacher and a deacon. He was a member and previous Noble Grand of the New Kensington Lodge 804 of the independant Order of Odd Fellows.
Survivors include: his wife, Shirley Repine Binder; a son, Thomas Binder at home; and his father Edward Binder of Grove City PA.
Preceded in death by his mother, Grace Binder and a sister, Beryl Jean Binder.
Burial was at Greenwood Memorial Park, Lower Burrell PA.
Leila Grace Best Binder
born in Murrysville, PA, Allegheny Co.died at home of cancer, buried at Plum Creek Cemetery, New Texas, PA, Allegheny Co
Grace Binder, 50, of Upper Burrell Township, Westmoreland County, PA died December 24, 1955 of cancer.
Born January 9, 1905 in Murrysville PA to Clarence M and Mamie (Clements) Best, she lived most of her life in New Kensington PA.
She married Edward Miles Binder on June 25, 1925 in the home of Rev Gibson in New Kensington.
Survivors include: her husband, Edward Binder; and a son Edward L Binder of New Kensington;mother, Mrs Mamie Clements Best; sisters, Marie Leah of Arnold Pa, Gayle Imm of New Kensington, and Rebecca Jane Mouhat of California; brothers, George Best of New Kensington, Tom Best of Fox Chapel PA, and Robert C Best of California; and a number of nieces and nephews.
Preceded in death by infant daughter Beryl Jean Binder and her father, Clarence Best.
Burial at Plum Creek Cemetery, New Texas, PA
Grace Binder, 50, of Upper Burrell Township, Westmoreland County, PA died December 24, 1955 of cancer.
Born January 9, 1905 in Murrysville PA to Clarence M and Mamie (Clements) Best, she lived most of her life in New Kensington PA.
She married Edward Miles Binder on June 25, 1925 in the home of Rev Gibson in New Kensington.
Survivors include: her husband, Edward Binder; and a son Edward L Binder of New Kensington;mother, Mrs Mamie Clements Best; sisters, Marie Leah of Arnold Pa, Gayle Imm of New Kensington, and Rebecca Jane Mouhat of California; brothers, George Best of New Kensington, Tom Best of Fox Chapel PA, and Robert C Best of California; and a number of nieces and nephews.
Preceded in death by infant daughter Beryl Jean Binder and her father, Clarence Best.
Burial at Plum Creek Cemetery, New Texas, PA
Clarence Michael Best
buried at Plum Creek Cemetery, New Texas, Allegheny Co, PAA teacher and a blacksmith;died at home in New Kensington PA,Westmoreland Co of a coronary.Church affiliation, United Presbyterian.
Clarence M Best was born October 16, 1877 in Murrysville PA and died of a coronary at home in New Kensington PA Westmoreland County on March 27, 1948. He married Mary Nan McKnight (Mamie) Clements on March 23, 1904 in Renton PA on the Clements farm, Plum Boro Allegheny Co.
He was affiliated with the United Presbyterian Church in New Kensington.
He was a teacher and a blacksmith.
Survivors include: his wife, Mamie Clements Best; sons George Clarence Best and Harry Thompson Best of New Kensington PA, and Robert Clements Best; daughters Mrs George (Gayle) Imm, Mrs Edward (Grace) Binder, Mrs Joseph (Marie) Leah, and Mrs Albert (Jane) Mouhat.
Preceded in death by his parents George Michael and Susan Mallisee Best.
Clarence M Best was born October 16, 1877 in Murrysville PA and died of a coronary at home in New Kensington PA Westmoreland County on March 27, 1948. He married Mary Nan McKnight (Mamie) Clements on March 23, 1904 in Renton PA on the Clements farm, Plum Boro Allegheny Co.
He was affiliated with the United Presbyterian Church in New Kensington.
He was a teacher and a blacksmith.
Survivors include: his wife, Mamie Clements Best; sons George Clarence Best and Harry Thompson Best of New Kensington PA, and Robert Clements Best; daughters Mrs George (Gayle) Imm, Mrs Edward (Grace) Binder, Mrs Joseph (Marie) Leah, and Mrs Albert (Jane) Mouhat.
Preceded in death by his parents George Michael and Susan Mallisee Best.
Mary Nan McKnight "Mamie" Clements Best
buried at Plum Creek Cemetery; died at home, New Kensington, PA, Westmoreland Co. of pneumonia and congestive heart failure.
Obituary:"Mrs. Mamie M Best, 79, 337 Freeport Road, New Kensington, died today (July 10, 1959) in her home.She was born June 24, 1880 at New Texas, Plum, and had resided in this area most of her life. She was a daughter of the late David and Nancy Clements.Mrs. Best was a member of the Parnassus United Presbyterian church.Surviving are three sons: HT Best, Fox Chapel Rd; George C , at home; and Robert C Los Angeles CA; three daughters: Mrs Marie Leah, Arnold; Mrs Gayle Imm, New Kensington; and Mrs Rebecca Mouhat, Los Angeles CA. Two brothers, J Thompson Clements , D Harrison, both of New Kensington; two sisters: Mrs Vida Smith, Arnold; Mrs George Alter, Plum; and several grandchildren.Friends will be received after 2pm Saturday at the Charles Hankey Memorial Home, 217 Freeport Rd, New Kensington, where services will be held Monday at 11am Rev. Arthur R Armstrong will officiate."Obituary from Pittsburgh Press July 13, 1904
Obituary:"Mrs. Mamie M Best, 79, 337 Freeport Road, New Kensington, died today (July 10, 1959) in her home.She was born June 24, 1880 at New Texas, Plum, and had resided in this area most of her life. She was a daughter of the late David and Nancy Clements.Mrs. Best was a member of the Parnassus United Presbyterian church.Surviving are three sons: HT Best, Fox Chapel Rd; George C , at home; and Robert C Los Angeles CA; three daughters: Mrs Marie Leah, Arnold; Mrs Gayle Imm, New Kensington; and Mrs Rebecca Mouhat, Los Angeles CA. Two brothers, J Thompson Clements , D Harrison, both of New Kensington; two sisters: Mrs Vida Smith, Arnold; Mrs George Alter, Plum; and several grandchildren.Friends will be received after 2pm Saturday at the Charles Hankey Memorial Home, 217 Freeport Rd, New Kensington, where services will be held Monday at 11am Rev. Arthur R Armstrong will officiate."Obituary from Pittsburgh Press July 13, 1904
George William Imm obit
OBITUARY: from Valley News Dispatch,New Kensington PA, Feb 10,1977:
George W. Imm, 62, of 175 Voscamp Ave, Logans Ferry, Plum, died at 1:30pm yesterday (Feb 9,1977) in his home of an apparent heart attack.Mr Imm was born Jan 23, 1915 in New Kensington to Edwin and Ada Davis Imm.A self-employed television repairman, Mr Imm formerly worked in the tube mill and shipping department of the Aluminum Co of America, New Kensington.He was a member of the Reformed Presbyterian Church, North Hills.Mr Imm is survived by his widow, Gayle Best Imm; two sons: George William of Mio Michigan, and Charles of Charlotte, NC; two daughters: Jane of Penn Hills and Mrs Wendell (Marilyn) Blair of Butler; three brothers: Harry and Calvin of Logans Ferry, and Robert of New Kensington; five sisters: Mrs Camiel (Dorothy) Stocker of Chicago, Mrs Donald (Mary Jane) Yockman and Mrs Jacob (Viola) Shank, both of Lower Burrell, and Mrs James (Elizabeth) Landis and Mrs Wilbur (Ruth) Schantz both of New Kensington; and seven grandchildren.Two brothers, Edwin and Frederick, preceded him in death.***********There will be no visitation in the funeral home, but a memorial service will be conducted at 10am Friday in the Frank F Gigler Funeral Home, 2877 Leechburg Road, Lower Burrell. His pastor, the Rev Gordon J Keddie will officiate. "
George W. Imm, 62, of 175 Voscamp Ave, Logans Ferry, Plum, died at 1:30pm yesterday (Feb 9,1977) in his home of an apparent heart attack.Mr Imm was born Jan 23, 1915 in New Kensington to Edwin and Ada Davis Imm.A self-employed television repairman, Mr Imm formerly worked in the tube mill and shipping department of the Aluminum Co of America, New Kensington.He was a member of the Reformed Presbyterian Church, North Hills.Mr Imm is survived by his widow, Gayle Best Imm; two sons: George William of Mio Michigan, and Charles of Charlotte, NC; two daughters: Jane of Penn Hills and Mrs Wendell (Marilyn) Blair of Butler; three brothers: Harry and Calvin of Logans Ferry, and Robert of New Kensington; five sisters: Mrs Camiel (Dorothy) Stocker of Chicago, Mrs Donald (Mary Jane) Yockman and Mrs Jacob (Viola) Shank, both of Lower Burrell, and Mrs James (Elizabeth) Landis and Mrs Wilbur (Ruth) Schantz both of New Kensington; and seven grandchildren.Two brothers, Edwin and Frederick, preceded him in death.***********There will be no visitation in the funeral home, but a memorial service will be conducted at 10am Friday in the Frank F Gigler Funeral Home, 2877 Leechburg Road, Lower Burrell. His pastor, the Rev Gordon J Keddie will officiate. "
Gayle Virginia Best Imm obit
born at 708 Seventh St, New Kensington, PA
-------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Gayle V. (Best) Imm
Gayle V. ImmGayle V. Imm, 89, of Butler, formerly of New Kensington, died Tuesday at her residence.Born Oct. 26, 1914, in New Kensington, she was the daughter of the late Clarence Michael and Mamie Clements Best.She was a member of the Manchester Reformed Presbyterian Church. She enjoyed baking, sewing and gardening.Surviving are two daughters, Jane Imm of Gibsonia and Mrs. Wendell (Marilyn) Blair of Butler; two sons, George William Imm Jr. of Cadillac, Mich., and Charles Imm of Butler; eight grandchildren and nine great grandchildren.Preceding her in death were her husband, George William Imm Sr., who died Feb. 9, 1977; three sisters; and three brothers.Information is available at www.youngfuneralhome.com.IMM - Services for Gayle M. Imm, who died Tuesday, Dec. 30, 2003, will be at 11 a.m. Jan 3 at the Manchester Reformed Presbyterian Church, 200 Manchester Hill, Upper Burrell. Burial will be private in Plum Creek Cemetery.Please sign the guest book at www.butlereagle.com Published in the Butler Eagle on 12/31/2003.
-------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Gayle V. (Best) Imm
Gayle V. ImmGayle V. Imm, 89, of Butler, formerly of New Kensington, died Tuesday at her residence.Born Oct. 26, 1914, in New Kensington, she was the daughter of the late Clarence Michael and Mamie Clements Best.She was a member of the Manchester Reformed Presbyterian Church. She enjoyed baking, sewing and gardening.Surviving are two daughters, Jane Imm of Gibsonia and Mrs. Wendell (Marilyn) Blair of Butler; two sons, George William Imm Jr. of Cadillac, Mich., and Charles Imm of Butler; eight grandchildren and nine great grandchildren.Preceding her in death were her husband, George William Imm Sr., who died Feb. 9, 1977; three sisters; and three brothers.Information is available at www.youngfuneralhome.com.IMM - Services for Gayle M. Imm, who died Tuesday, Dec. 30, 2003, will be at 11 a.m. Jan 3 at the Manchester Reformed Presbyterian Church, 200 Manchester Hill, Upper Burrell. Burial will be private in Plum Creek Cemetery.Please sign the guest book at www.butlereagle.com Published in the Butler Eagle on 12/31/2003.
Wednesday, February 04, 2009
A Best Reunion

Best Reunion at Uncle Thompsie and Aunt Connie's home in Upper Burrell PA.. late 1970s is my guess..
From the right..Uncle Joe Leah, Aunt Re Leah,
Uncle Bob Best, my mom Gayle Best Imm in front of him, Aunt Connie Best in dark blue, and Uncle Thompsie behind in lighter blue shirt..
Then the Hall family..hmmm..
Beside Uncle Thompsie is Vincent Hall and in front of him is Marion? Hmmmm
Summers on the Allegheny
the BEST brothers

This was taken on Freeport Road, New Kensington PA
I love the old cars lining the street..
These are the Best brothers, my Mom's brothers who were home
from WW2.. Uncle George nearly lost his leg and did lose an eye- he seems
to still have the dressing on it in the picture.
Uncle Tom and Uncle Bob beside him
Click to enlarge the picture..it's wonderful!

I'm jumping around a bit with the timeline, but really, there is none in this blog..
It's just what I have when I get it scanned that day..
The Uckerts had a RAGE AT THE RIVIERA for several years running.
This is Nicki with Bud in 1997 down near the water. Is that Mum up by the porch?
I'll post the new 'camp' pictures when I locate them
If you attended one of these reunions, could you post a comment or two and
describe what you did and what it was all about?
Tuesday, February 03, 2009
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