Wednesday, January 28, 2009

Clements (Best connection)

Siblings Thompson and Agnes Clements
My grandmother Best's siblings

Mother's siblings

Rebecca Best Mouhat (Aunt Janie)

Bob Best

Mouhat (Best connection)

Aunt Janie (Rebecca) was mother's sister.
.her hubby was Uncle Al Mouhat and the baby is my cousin Nicolle.

Leah kids (Best connection)

Buddy (Joe)
Kenny, David, Annabelle

Leah,Binder (Best connection)

Uncle Joe and Aunt Marie Leah with Aunt Grace Binder holding Eddie

Me and my sibs

Bottom left photo is my brother Charlie, or Chuddy, as we called him... the lower right photo is my dad, George Imm, and my brother Bill
Upper left.. 3 kids.. Bill, Marilyn, Jane

Harry,Tom,David Clements (Best connection)

Gramma Best

You'll have to click on this one to get a closer look

Grace Best graduation

Grace Best (Binder)
Click on the picture to enlarge.. she's well marked

My mom

Gayle Virginia Best Imm

Ed, Eddie Binder (Best)

My Uncle Ed and his son Eddie Binder

Binder (Best)

Grace was the aunt I was named for.. mother's sister

Clements (Best)

My great grandparents
David Harrison and Nancy Jane Thompson Clements

Tom Best


Typo on the Menk name.. oops
Aunt Ninnie was my mother's aunt

Uncle Tom Best, Aunt Connie, Grampa Best

Tom was my mother's brother, Connie was his wife

Clarence Best

Clarence Best, my grandfather, and ??
Mamie Best was my grandma

Bob Best, Ace pilot

Best connection

My Grandfather, Clarence Best, was a blacksmith

Best connection

The pictures are assorted and identified.. please click on the collection to enlarge.

Click on photo to enlarge

Best connection

Best family

Uncle George Best holding Mike Best
Marilyn and Janie Imm, Dave Leah


Marilyn and Janie Imm with Dave Leah.. cousins

Best family

Aunt Margie and Uncle Bob Best

Best family

Uncle Ed Binder and my brother Bill Imm
Uncle Ed was married to Aunt Grace, mother's sister

Best family

The Leahs
Joe, Annabelle, Uncle Joe, Ken, Dave

my Uncle Bob Best

Best family

Annabelle Leah, Nicolle Mouhat, Kenny Leah

Best family

1984 the Pata family
Nicolle, Annsley, Bob, and Nathan

Best family

1971 Annabelle married Dieter Uckert
Nicolle Prevatte, Annabelle's daughter beside her


Gayle Best Imm's 80th birthday
with her brother Bob Best of California
Obituary of Roma Best Hall, my grandfather Best's sister